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How does the money raised get used?All of the money raised at The Robby Brisco Open is dedicated for use to support the Pediatric Cancer Cinical Trials Program at Connecticut Children's Medical Center, where Robby was treated. In our first three years, thanks to our generous supporters, donors, and guests, we have donated over $225,000 for that program. This money has allowed the Program to expand to be made available to more of our kids.
How much of my registration fee is tax-deductible?We strive to create a wonderful experience for our guests, but, unfortunately, that is not free. Generally, golf courses do not donate their services for charitable events, and that is the case for The RBO. At the same time, we keep our eyes on the expense-ball so we can make sure we are donating as much as possible to CCMC. For example, The RBO Board and the tourament RBO staff are all volunteers - neither The RBO nor Vie for the Kids has paid employees. So, to answer your question directly: 1. Of the individual golfer registration fee, $60 is tax-deductible as a charitable gift. 2. Of the foursome golfer registration fee, $240 is tax-deductible as a charitable gift. 3. Of the dinner registration fee, $20 is tax-deductible as a charitable gift. Under tax law, a charitable income tax deduction is not allowed for the portion of the registration fee that represents value you recieve. In the case of The RBO, that value includes greens fees, cart fees, breakfast, lunch, dinner, open bar and more that The RBO must pay for. Having said that, we do not give tax advice, so consult your tax advisor, please.
Why is my payment or donation to Vie for the Kids, Inc. and not Connecticut Children's?"For over ten years, Vie for the Kids, Inc. has organized and run many fund-raising events to raise money for Connecticut Children's Medical Center, including the Robby Brisco Open Golf Tourament. Up until 2019, payment and donations were made to Connecticut Children's because it was/is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization, while Vie for the Kids, Inc. was not. Vie for the Kids, Inc. is now a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization and, as a result, now collects payments, donations and pays tournament expenses. The income tax consequences of your charitable donation will not change - all donations at tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Rest assured that this change will not affect how the money raised will be used - all proceeds from The Robby Brisco Open will continue to be dedicated to support the Pediatric Cancer Clinical Trials Program at Connecticut Children's. We'll be posting a photo of a big fat check being handed over to Connecticut Children's. And rest assured that The Robby Brisco Open will continue to be the best golf tournament ever!
Anything new this year?Naw, same ol', same ol'. Just kidding! Of course there's something new this year! Besides moving the shotgun start time to 10:00 a.m. (see the FAQ on that), we got some cool stuff happenin'. We are always looking to keep The RBO guest experience fun, exciting and surprising. We want you back every year! In 2019, we introduced The RBO Hall of Fame, where you'll be able to walk down memory lane (ok, just a short walk) to see photos of each year's winning foursome, admire The RBO Trophy, try on a coveted RBO Red Jacket (for those who have never won the tourament it feels reeeaaall good), and see all The RBO memorabilia we've given to our guests over the years. For 2021, we're not gonna tell ya 'cause it will ruin the surprise. Win The RBO and you are automatically inducted into The RBO Hall of Fame - you don't have to wait five years or bribe anyone to get in.
What if I suck at golf?No worries, lots of our "golfers" suck at golf. Word is that the Briscos are the worst golfers out there, if that's of any comfort (that's what they told us, anyway)! Yes, we do have quite a few foursomes who are very competitive and want their names on The RBO Trophy (they typically win at 14 -17 under par - yikes)! So that's fun for them, and fun for the tournament as a whole. We structure our tournament so that it is a "serious tournament" if that's your bag - no handicaps, limited mulligans for purchase. But you don't have to be that serious. For the rest of us mere mortals, The RBO is a social event that raises money for a great cause and helps inspire our local kids who are suffering through cancer treatment. As a bonus to you, golfers are supplied with a sleeve of three golf ballls - a "starter pack" - to lose in the woods or water. If you think you will lose more, either bring 'em or steal 'em from your golf partners There's always the Pro shop too (don't steal from them). So, don't worry about your golf skills. Play in a foursome with people you like and enjoy. If you really don't want to golf, you should join us as a "dinner only" guest, meaning you can be part of our "second wave" of guests who arrive at 2:30 for the reception (open bar!) and the dinner program which starts at 5330. You won't be alone here - we typically get another 50 guests showing up for just the reception and dinner. That is a lot of fun. See you there!
What time should I show up?Show up whenever you want! However, if you don't want to be late or miss out on anything, here are our recommendations. If you will be golfing, sign-in begins at 8:30 for the 10:00 shotgun start. So, sign-in is open for an hour and a half. Be sure to give yourself plenty ot time because the sign-in table can get quite crowded as tee-off time approaches. The practice green and range are available to warm up or kill time. So is a light breakfast. And, if you are a "dinner-only" guest, please note that you are welcome and encouraged to attend the reception (open bar) which begins at 2:30. You'll have time to chat with friends, enjoy hors d'oerves, view the raffle and silent auction items and try to win something! Dinner will be served - buffet style - at 3ish. The Dinner Program (speakers, presentation of The RBO Trophy, etc.) begins at 330ish. We hope to get you on your way home by 4!
Why was the golf shotgun start time moved from 10:00 a.m. to noon?Contrary to what some have heard, we did not move the shotgun start time because neighbors complained that a shotgun was going off in the morning. We categorically deny that. There are four good (and no bad) reasons actually: 1. To "tighten up" the day, so the time gap between when golfers start rolling in to the clubhouse after playing and the dinner program is Goldilocks - that is, not too long, not too short. We know it's a weeknight, so our goal is to get you on your way home by 6:30ish 2. To allow time in the morning for you to go to work, work from home, run errands, sleep-in late, or hang around in your pajamas like you do on Sunday mornings. 3. To start the dinner program a bit later so our 'dinner-only" guests don't have to cut out of work so early and risk getting fired, and, to give them time to enjoy the reception before dinner. 4. To give our "dinner-only" guests more time to participate in the silent auction and raffle - many of them were showing up in time for dinner, only to find that the silent auction and raffle were already closed. They were sad. We don't like sad.
When are the silent auction and raffle open?Sorry to say, there won't be an auction or raffle this year. We feel in this post-Covid world that many businesses have sufferred and we don't want to ping them for "free stuff." The bright side is that this will make the event a bit shorter, to get you home (or back to your offce) by 4:30.
What's the down-low on food and drink?In one word: come hungry (ya, that's two words). And thirsty. There will be more food than you could or should eat in a week, so no need to worry about starving or smuggling in snacks like you do at the movie theatre. We've heard the double-cheeseburgers at the on-course lunch stations are the bomb (someone, who will remain nameless, ate two of them at one go in 2019). A light breakfast will be available for golfers during sign-in, from 8:30 to 10:00. Bagels, donuts, coffee and juice - lots of carbs to start the fire! Lunch will be served at three stations on the course. Burgers, grilled chicken, salad - the usual cook-out stuff. Grills fire up at noon so they'll be ready for you right after you tee off. Lots of protein to keep fire burning! Beer - Hooker Brewery Truck, cans of Black Hog - Gatorade, and water coolers are strategically placed on the course and at the clubhouse. In 2019 it hit 97 degrees! Remember though, shirts are not optional. And don't jump in the water hazards to cool off - no fish can survive in them so . . . Rumour has it that the popular Kid Rock Root Beer Float Station will be returning. The reception officialy begins at 2:30. Hor d'oerves will be served, and it's open bar from 2:30 to 3:30. If you drink alcohol, please do so responsibly. If you drink water, ditto. Dinner will be served 3ish. It's a buffet, so you can pile your plate(s) as high as you want, as many times as you want, without having to embarassingly ask waitstaff for more food. Most years, our dinner is not the typical boring, tasteless, dried-out golf tournament "grilled-hotdogs-burgers-chicken-we-want-you-outta-here-as-soon-as-possible" deal. No, quite the contrary - our dinner is sponsored by Bear's Smokehouse. If you've never had their BBQ, well, you can at The RBO. Soft drinks, coffee and desert too. Of course the bar will open during dinner, but it's pay-as-you-go after 3:30 (and before 2:30). Like we said, come hungry!
Can you tell me a wee bit about The RBO Trophy?Sure can, me laddie (or lassie). Legend has it that the beautiful magahony used to construct the trophy's base was rescued from a hundreds-year old Scottish pub or golf club (golf was invented in Scotland as you know) - although truth be told, memories might be a wee bit foggy from one too many drams of fine single-malt Scotch. That wood was repurposed as the base of The RBO Trophy, which stands a stunning 25" tall. The names of the golfers from each year's winning foursome are engraved on a silver plate attached to the base. The base has room for 40 years worth of RBO winners, so there's plenty of time for you to take those badly-needed golf lessons. The sliver trophy itself was modeled after the U.S. Open trophy. Or was it the other way around. See for yourself. Live and in-person. But, remember, we got the base. It's "all about that base", so the song line goes. Ours Theirs
Why the red jackets?Because green was taken! The Masters has the green jacket, so quite naturally, The RBO had to have a jacket, thank-you very much. Quite possibly the only two golf tournaments with jackets for the winners! "A tradition like no other" . . . well, now there are two.
What time does it end?Too soon actually. By the end of the dinner, as you say good-bye or au revoir to your friends, if you are like us, you'll be thinking to yourself: "Wow, that went by so fast. I can't believe I'll have to wait another 365 days or so to do it again." Ok, the answer is that our goal is to end the dinner program by 4. We know it's a weeknight. Quick post-golf timeline recap to help you understand how we can pull that off: Reception is from 2:30 to 3:30. Dinner is served - buffet style - at 3:00. Dinner Progam (speakers, awarding of The RBO Trophy, etc.) begins at 3:30. By 4:30, most of you will be home, looking back at the fun day you had a. One of you may even be looking for a place to display The RBO Trophy, which you get to do until the next RBO.
What if I need to cut out early?Well, that depends on what you mean by early. The open-bar reception is from 2:30 to 3:30. You will miss free booze, lively conversation, lots of laughs and perhaps a few tears. Dinner is served at 3:00. You will miss fantastic food (which means more for those who stay). The Dinner Program begins at 3:300. You will miss a very moving experience.
Can I volunteer to help?You bet your bippee! You can help us during "game day" or play a part of our planning team - big or small. You don't have to commit your life away - there are many (many) things that need to be done to pull off a succesful tournament. Things that our guests never see (that is good, as that means we've done a great job). After having run The RBO four times, we like to think we are "pros" at rdoing this (but we don't know what we don't know so there's always room for improvement). As a result, we have created a comprehensive list of every task (and we mean every. single. thing.) that needs to be done, before, duriing, and after the tournament. This helps us sleep at night, but the works still gotta get done. If you are interested in offering to help, please do so my emailing us at We can chat to see what you might like to do and where we might need help to see if they match-up. If you are interested enough to join the RBO Board of Directors, send us an email. Thank you!
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